Jack Adams, my lucky jockstrap

Jack Adams, my lucky jockstrap

I do not believe in luck but when is something no longer a coincidence? My secret pleasure is sauna’s, I love going to a sauna and have anonymous sex. I live in London so there are plenty of gay Saunas to get your action.

8 weeks ago I bough a Jack Adams jockstrap, this one to be precise, and ever since I have pulled each time I went out to get myself some dude juice.

Jack adams jockstrap

Sexy or what!

I know sauna’s are not a difficult environment to get sex, but the thing is, each time I got the bloke I wanted and he was into the things I wanted him to be. This my friends is unusual and freaking me out a bit. Normally I see the bloke I want but we might not be “compatible” or he doesn’t fancy me etc etc.

The only thing that is consistent is my new Jack Adams jockstrap, I know it is not the reason but just in case I will keep wearing them.

If you see a guy in Jack Adams come and say hi and maybe more……..

jack adams jockstrap

Bum tastic!

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