Most of our blogs are about gay sex toys. Take a look at our comprehensive gay sex toys collections to see if you agree.
We have long debated if the jockstrap should fall under gay sex toys or not and we have decided is should. They might not be gay sex toys per se, but they just look so hot, and many a jockstrap are worn to attract a play buddy, so in that sense we feel a jockstrap can be part of our collection. The latest collection that has arrived from Berlin is the Barcode Kosta jockstrap.
Have a look at this image, how sexy is this?
This jockstrap does a lot more then making you look very hot. The Kosta lace jockstrap is great for support, and makes all your parts look enhanced and super hot, ready for you to pull and get some action.
The design ticks all the boxes and the lace of this jockstrap is very easy to handle. It does not take anything away from the support it gives.
A sexy looking jockstrap like this has to be included in our product collection, would you not agree? Technically a jockstrap does not fall under gay sex toys, but it is certainly part of gay sex, and that is ultimate the area we focus on. We want all our registered store users and blog readers to get the best out of their sexual life and the Kosta lace jockstrap might well be part of that.
We have other jockstrap collections as well, Fist, Dirty Fukker and Bike. We try and make sure that the ones we choose will make you look hot and be supported at the same time. In additional we want any jockstrap collection in the esmale store to have a sexual attitude.
Team esmale, essentialy for men!