Jockstrap super shop is what we are not, but what we do have is a selection of the hottest and sexiest jockstrap available. They are all selected with sex in mind. Our jockstrap collection has Dirty fukker, Fist, Fist Fukker, Barcode and Bike. Come and have a look at the jockstrap collection we have brought in for you. The next brand we are looking into is Nasty Pig. What do you think about that jockstrap range, should we add it?
The esmale site is all about gay sex toys and with that comes anything that can enhance gay sex toys fun and we feel a hot guy in a jock strap does just that.

Jockstrap from Dirty fukker
How would you feel using some gay sex toys with this guy in his hot Dirty fukker jockstrap?
It took me a while to feel comfortable in a jockstrap. It is a bit exposing and I guess a level of confidence is required to wear one. When sporting, it is easy of course, because you wear it underneath something. However, in some of the clubs I go to, plenty of guys are walking around in a great looking jockstrap. I can now finally say that I am one of them, applause for me please! It has totally liberated me, and whenever I can, I am wearing a jockstrap.
I love the Barcode range. Look at the jockstrap in this image, isn’t that just hot!

Jockstrap from barcode
The Barcode range is stylish and combines and a great amount of fashion with hotness without forgetting to include plenty of support and comfort.
The high quality material makes sure the jockstrap is supported in all areas and even have slight enhancement available. This enhancement will be showing off your assists handsomely.
The day that we launch is coming closer, and we can’t wait to hear what you think of our jockstrap collection. Please email us all your thoughts. We are waiting to hear from you at
We also have a newsletter available and if you sign up, you get 15% of your first order, result.
Team esmale, essentially for men!