As a gay dildo fan I usually invested in a black or flesh coloured gay dildo. I am unsure why I did that, I think it was because you see these the most. I was on the lookout to buy another gay dildo and came across the Faultless gay dildo – clear! This gay dildo is part of the Clear Stone series and is made of firm PVC jelly material and it has extra firm balls, jus the way we like them! This is not the only gay dildo in the Clear stone range but I do like the look of this one and it is an impressive 8.5 inches, nice! Another great thing about this gay dildo is that it has very strong suction. You can park this gay dildo anywhere and it will stick so you can ride it, who’s a cowboy now!

Gay Dildo, Faultless Dildo - Clear
The girth of this gay dildo is 2 inches, which is nice and puts this gay dildo in my top 3 most used. Talking about girth the gay dildo below has a super 6.4 inches at its widest point. My goodness, breath and push, breath and push, this gay dildo will take some doing! I have not tested it yet but I am sure it will be a pleasure once you can handle this gay dildo!

Gay Dildo, Doc Johnson Blush Bulge Dildo
So there you are, two great anal toys and both worthy of a place in any gay dildo selection. Out of the two I would go for the Faultless gay dildo, but if you like them a bit wider the other is yours. Go get them at and enjoy! Lets us know how you got on, as we want to hear all the stories you have that include a gay dildo or any other type of anal toys! By hearing your stories we know what you like in a gay dildo. We use this information to make sure we can get the best for you, so you will always be able to buy the gay dildo that is the correct fit for you! All emails can go to
We also have a great newsletter that will keep you up to date with all the news regarding the latest gay dildo and gay sex toys in general. We also have super offers available from time to time. Sign up and you will not regret this.
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