Esmale are dedicated to bringing you not only the best gay sex toys out there but also information and help in giving you confidence in the bedroom. Next up in our series of blogs around the subject of penis enlargement and penis exercises, is the Erect Bend. This exercise follows on from our previous blogs on penis exercises, which focussed on the Jelq and Bundled Stretch.
We hope you find these penis exercises helpful and that you get the results in penis enlargement and confidence you are looking for.
Warming up before trying penis exercises
It is important that you warm up your penis before starting out with any penis exercises. After all, your penis is one (if not the!) of the most important muscles in your body – so take good care of it! Warming up your penis prior to penis exercises will also help you achieve better gains.
You can use a heating pad, rice sock, warm washcloth or even a heat lamp to gently warm the penis before using the penis exercises. A good judge of the heat required is that lukewarm is not hot enough and burning is too hot. As will all things in the penis exercises area, you fill generally find your own comfortable level.
Erect Bend Penis exercises
The Erect Bend penis exercises are fairly high intensity penis exercises, so take good care. These penis exercises should only be attempted if you have been using penis exercises for at least 6 months. Injuries have been known to be sustained with these penis exercises, especially by guys who do no know their own personal limits. Slowly does it guys..
Step by Step with the Erect Bend Penis Exercises
1. Hand One: Perform a tight OK-grip at the base of your penis.
2. Hand Two: Gently bend the penis downwards for ten to fifteen seconds. If you feel any pain, stop immediately.
3. Repeat the bend in the other directions–up, left, right.

Erect Bend Penis exercises
Tip! The bend doesn’t have to be massive. You should aim for smaller bends in the beginning of these penis exercises, until you learn your limit.
The Erect Bend penis exercises are quite simple but effective. As we mentioned earlier, take great care with these penis exercises and you should start to see the benefits over time.
If you have any penis exercise recommendations, or want to share your penis exercise experiences with the team here at esmale, then please drop us a line at, and we will be happy to share as a blog on the site.
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