Esmale has the best selection of enemas and douches guaranteed to ensure you are ready anal action. Our guides give practical advice on which sex toys will suit you best and how you can get the most out of them.
1. Travel Douche
This is a safe and effective anal douche to keep you and your partner clean for anal sex. Just a simple one step insertion for maximum cleansing from an easy-to-use unit. A best-seller amongst bottoms.
p.s. It even has a glow in the dark tip! (not sure what use that has but it sounds fun).
2. Colt Guyser Anal Douche
Easy to assemble, clean, and use. Reusable douche with a soft tip for firm comfort, and an EZ squeeze bulb.

Colt The Guyser Anal Douche
3. Rascal Deep Cleansing Kit
With easy-squeeze bulb operation and an extra large water reservoir, this douche features two screw-on attachments and one slip-on sleeve to make douching more enjoyable. Each attachment has its own unique shape providing a wonderfully pleasurable experience. It’s like foreplay!

Rascal Deep Cleansing Kit
4. The StreemMaster Douche Kit
Features a revolutionary douche system that is unlike anything on the market today. Through more than a decade of research and development they have created a simple, but effective design that offers exceptional convenience and portability. A perfect choice for guys constantly on the move.

StreemMaster Douche
5. The Vulcanite Anal Douche
Designed for comfort and simplicity. It comes with two nozzles, one for the amateurs and an extra Vulcanite attachment designed for the pros.

Vulcanite Anal Douche
Are we missing something? We want to hear from you, if you have any suggestions or recommendations e-mail us and tell us what your favourite douche is!