We meet with Ingo Recher, owner of Proudout

Recently we had the opportunity to talk to Ingo Recher. For those of you that do not know him, he is the founder/owner of Proudout, a leading LGBTQ+ platform providing up-to-date information on global events, travel, services, products and more. On Proudout you will find directory listings covering the majority of the globe.

Poudout owner Ingo Recher

We were keen to find out more about the man behind Proudout, so we sat down, and this is what we got to know.

  • When did you start Proudout and what was your motivation?

Together with a friend, I founded Proudout back in 2015, and we launched the website early in the following year. I wanted to create a platform for the entire LGBTQ+ community worldwide, not just a specific group, like most websites back in the day. My goal was to build an inclusive portal for all community members.

  • How would you describe “the essence” of your business?

Proudout is a platform for the entire LGBTQ+ Community, regardless of interest, gender, sexuality and location.

  • For whom might Proudout be an interesting platform?

If you are looking for all kinds of events, like regular community events, events for special occasions or pride events, Proudout is the right place for you. Also, if you search for product and service providers out of our community, like yours at www.esmale.com

And for all providers of our community to reach a wider audience for their offers.

  • What does a typical workday look like for you?

Usually, I start the working day at around 7:00 a.m. The first two hours then belong to a tasks that needs to be done in peace, without checking emails or my smartphone. Then, the typical part of the day ends, and after I check my emails, the rest of the day is filled with online meetings and operational to-dos. I try to go out for a walk to clear my head or think about a particular task for at least one hour during the day. Since I often meet people in different time zones, my business days often end late at night.

  • What do you like and dislike about running or working for Proudout?

What I love about running Proudout is that I can work with amazing people from around the globe. Furthermore, I have the liberty to make the final decisions. However, the sales aspect of my work can be challenging, and I occasionally have to deal with unreliable people who do not stick to agreements.

  • What does the future look like for Proudout?

Proudout will expand its events directory and other areas, such as the artist directory and, alongside the sister project ProudZone, will be an important part of the global LGBTQ+ community.

  • What would you say to people that want to start a similar company as yours?

Be prepared to work hard, try to build a supporting team around you as soon as possible, use your network, and don’t forget to also take time for yourself.

Now that we know a little more about Proudout, let’s see what we found out about Ingo Recher himself:

  • Can you tell us a bit about yourself, where are you from, your family etc?

I was born and raised in southern Germany and have lived in Switzerland with my husband, Tobi, for several years. Currently, we are moving back to Germany near Cologne. Tobi and I have been together for 19 Years now. The time flies. I love to spend my little spare time with friends. Best with good food involved. Unfortunately, I am not into sports that much. So you don’t see me in the gym often. But I often go out in nature for long walks or hiking.

  • What did you do before you started Proudout?

I have worked as a consultant in the automotive industry, worked at a private equity company and was responsible for finance at several start-ups.

  • Who or what inspires you?

There are a lot of people who inspire me. But one of the people who inspires me most and was a game-changer for me is Randy Pausch. He was diagnosed with cancer, and in preparation for his death, as a professor, he created his Last Lecture for his kids. This resulted in the book The Last Lecture.

  • City or countryside?


  • Cats or Dogs?

Neither. I like animals but don’t have a favourite.

  • If you could send a message back to yourself when you were 16, what would that be?

It’s important to know that you have the potential to achieve great things in life. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, connect with people, and be open to the unknown. Once you do, you will see that your life gets more interesting, meaningful, and happier.

  • Who is your celebrity crush?

Do I have to pick one? If I have to, I would say Chris Evans.

  • What does your favourite holiday look like?

Together with friends and family in a rental home with good food, wine, and a mix of relaxing and activities like sightseeing. If there is water nearby and the temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius, then it is perfect.

  • Whom would you say has had the biggest influence on your life?

Besides my husband, one of my former bosses. She always encouraged me and even encouraged me to quit my job to study. She was then my mentor for over 15 years before she sadly passed away far too early

Visit proudout.com and enjoy a wealth of information for the entire LGBTQ+ community all over the world


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