In how many ways can you love a gay dildo? In reality the answer to this is “not enough” but we could almost break it down into the different ways a gay dildo can give you pleasure.

Gay Dildo by Steven Daigle
First of all there is the gay dildo size. Do you like them big or small? There is a bit of a divide in the UK office of esmale. We have few in the “it is what you do with them that matters” team and in the other corner we have the size queens wearing “the bigger the better” T-shirts! When it comes to a gay dildo I believe there are so many extras that will provide pleasure, like a gay dildo that vibrates. In these cases, size does not always matter. But sometimes you might just want a big gay dildo that really sorts you out. Bear in mind that we cannot all handle the same gay dildo. What is a big gay dildo for you might not even touch the sides for someone else. I have seen people put away a gay dildo the size of someone’s entire arm, no joke! There is a gay dildo out there for everybody, and that is the main massage. Have a look at the esmale store and you will find yours.
So that is the size of a gay dildo covered and then there is the fact of what you want a gay dildo to do? Are you a slow, gentle and rhythmic lover or do you go for the harder, faster, deeper approach? It makes a difference in the enjoyment of a gay dildo. I remember once having a guy over and he was using a gay dildo on me like he was shaking an empty ketchup bottle. I was like DUDE take it easy please!
I can enjoy a gay dildo in most ways to be honest. It depends on my mood. What about you? Do you like a gay dildo rammed up your behind or a more gentle exploration? Email all your gay dildo experiences to us, as we love to read them and publish them with your approval and a potential edit.
We have a lot of gay dildo information at the office, and we send out regular newsletters with all sorts of offers and reviews of the latest gay dildo on the market. Please sign up and you will not regret it.
Team esmale, essentially for men!