We have been championing Liquid Silk for some time now and I still believe Liquid Silk is one of the best brands out there. The packaging is great and it is easy to use and to clean, so it ticks all the boxes. The small Liquid Silk bottles is great for when you are out cruising in saunas etc and the bigger Liquid Silk bottle has a fixed position in my bedroom, perfect!
I was totally delighted to hear that the Liquid Silk team decided to extend their lube range with a new non Liquid Silk version of lube. So now we have Maximus lube and they have kept to the Liquid Silk bottle sizes, which is great!

Maximus 250ml from the makers of Liquid Silk

Maximus 50ml from the makers of Liquid Silk
Like Liquid Silk, Maximus lube is a water-based lube. What is so brilliant about Maximus is that it is made to be bio-static. This means that when the lube comes in contact with any bacteria, yeast infection or fungal spores it will stop them spreading. The Liquid Silk team really think of everything!
The most obvious difference with Liquid Silk is the colour. Maximus is a clear lube where Liquid Silk has a creamy type colour. I am unsure why, but I prefer the Liquid Silk colour, but may be because I have used it the most.
The Bodywise team from Liquid Silk are currently also celebrating their 1/3 century anniversary, CONGRATULATIONS! I am not sure if I have ever heard of a 1/3 century anniversary before, but if you made lube like Liquid Silk and Maximus, you can celebrate anything you want as far as I am concerned.
If you are a Liquid Silk user we would like to hear your opinion on Maximus. If you email us we can send you a sample for you to use. I am still leaning towards Liquid Silk but what about you? Email us your thoughts to info@esmale.com
We also have a newsletter that will also include offers on Liquid Silk and Maximus. Sign up now and you will not regret it.
Team esmale, essentially for men!