For those of you whom have never used a prostate massager, get a move on. My recommendation is to get one from Aneros, but there are plenty more good ones out there. It is just that there is so much tender love and care involved in the making of the Aneros prostate massager, that I feel it a shame not to have the best.
I always thought that gay sex toys and in particular, anal toys, were made to simulate a penis for anal penetrations, WRONG! There are so many anal toys out there that have a completely different focus. All to do with stimulation and having fun with yourself or others!

Aneros, Prostate massager, gay sex toys
A prostate massager does precisely what is says on the tin, it massages the prostate. Have you ever had your prostate massaged whilst having sex or whilst you are masturbating? It really does heighten your erotic senses and totally emotionally lifts you a gear to an orgasm that will blow you away. Below is the Aneros prostate massager starter kit. Have a go and try it out!

Aneros, Prostate massager sarter kit, gay sex toys
Aneros have many a prostate massager and you can choose which ones you like best. The main differences are in the shapes and dimensions of the products. All these variations will have a different way of massaging the prostate. One of my favourites is shown below, the Aneros prostate massager MGX.

Aneros, Prostate maasager, the original gay sex toys
This little Aneros beauty is well balance with a ribbed stem that feels lovely!
It is medically researched and designed to work harmoniously with your body movements. This prostate massager does two things at the same time. Whilst it is simulating your prostate its also does the same for the perineum, party party!
Give it a try, you will not regret it! A prostate massager will give you great pleasure and Aneros have the range to beat!
If you would like to know more about a particular prostate massager or any other anal toys or gay sex toys, please e-mail us at We are here to help you get the best out of gay sex toys and your bedroom fun!
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