The beginner butt plug!
This butt plug is the standard size, with 5 inches in height and 1.75 inches wide at the widest part. They are very good if you are just starting to explore the use of a butt plug. These gay toys are very durable and will last you years, so there is a lot of joy to be had from them. You can sit on it or hold it, which is nice as well. They are great for play with your partner too, an all round play-mate, the kind of gay toys we like here at esmale!

Gay Toys, Medium Butt Plug
Jelly Beads, gay toys! If you like beads you’ll love it.
If you are unsure how big you would like to go, this jelly beads butt plug is your butt plug. It is totally flexible and pliable. This makes it easier to take it all the way down. In addition it has ridges, which get bigger along with the base, very nice indeed. I personally like the beads butt plug, one of my favourite gay toys. I have some experience with gay toys and although it did not totally rock my world, I did enjoy it. Another perfect fit for beginners and first times users

Gay Toys, Jelly Beads Butt plug
4” inch smooth butt plug, ideal for the more experiences of anal gay toys users.
This butt plug is smooth and firm, qualities much liked in gay toys! This butt plug is not for bending or flexing which makes it easy to control. The rounded shaped head makes it easy to insert and the 2 ridges lead me to a very nice orgasm. I would recommend this butt plug to the more experienced user because of its wide base. Another reason why this is so enjoyable is that you can use water based lube or silicon based lube which makes it easier.

Gay Toys, Smooth Butt Plug
So here you have a selection of 3 anal gay toys that you can have fun with! At esmale we do our very best to give you the latest and the best on all gay sex toys and more. If you have any queries please contact us at and to make sure you do not miss out on any offers please sign up to our newsletter.
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