Men have many super sexy features but one that often catches my eye is a good rear! In fact, I often find myself turning around to check out a man’s rear when they walk past. Pervy, I hear you say? Well, I guess you are correct, but I simply cannot help it! There are so many different types of bums that we thought it might be a good idea to share with you some of our favourites. Purely because it is fun to see, and it gives me a break from writing about dildos for men or other topics often connected to our store.
First up is the Bubble But!

Oh yes, men do have bubble butts. It is not just Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian that own it. Bubble butt refers to rounded buttocks, typically of larger than average size. It is one of the most appealing things to look at. Have you ever just walked that much further then you had to, just because you were mesmerised but some hunky derriere or is that just me? Unfortunately, I have never had the fortune to have one myself. For those of you that want to try and get one have a look here
The Big Bootie
Ass Ross sang in the famous Friends episode” I like big butts an´ I can not lie. You otha brothas can´t deny….” There is something about the extra few pounds on ones backside. Great for squeezing and to hold on to. Visually I think the shake of a big bootie is something I can look at for hours and hours. Ideally in some sexy gay underwear or some hot looking jogging bottoms.

The skinny bum
Finally, we get to the skinny bum, those that can fit in a size 28 or 30. Often the envy of many I guess but when we receive feedback from our customers, we do often hear that they actually prefer a bit more junk in the trunk as they say. Mind you, I wouldn’t mind being that size for a while just to experience what it is like that you can just fit into anything you want 🙂

What is your favourite bum? Let us know in the comment field. If you have a story that you would like us to share on our blog, please email us. We love to hear from you.
With love