Having a good orgasm is probably the focus of most of my days, I know …..I am a saddo. I love using a vibrating cock ring and now there is one that has the Xfactor. The thought of Gary Barlow is appealing enough for me and connect that to a vibrating cock ring and off you go.
If you like using a vibrating cock ring you know what I am talking about. The buzzing goes all the way through the shaft and base of the penis. The balls also get a great sensation. This vibrating cock ring really has the Xfactor, although I am not sure If I would like to use it with Simon or Gary, who would you chose?

Vibrating cock ring Xfactor
This Vibrating cock ring has two rings, one for the penis and one for the balls. You totally get double the sensations from this vibrating cock ring, heaven!
Now back to the question in hand, Simon or Gary! I am not sure I can see Simon Cowell wearing a vibrating cock ring, he just doesn’t seem the type. In fact he does not seem the type to have sex at all. It does not matter if he is wearing the Xfactor vibrating cock ring or not. Sexy Gary Barlow on the other hand has got a little sparkle in his eye. I can just image him after a day of working with all the egos. He would be coming home and strap on a vibrating cock ring to have a good go at working his salami, ideally with me in the room, after I have given his wife some sleeping pills, hey hey!
Whether Simon or Gary are in the room or not, the XFactor vibrating cock ring is a winner. This vibrating cock ring did not even have to stop at boot camp or the Judges houses.
As a parting thought I would like you to visualise this vibrating cock ring on your favourite celebrity and email us who it is!
Mine is Justin Timberlake. I would totally cry him a river full or my jizz wearing this vibrating cock ring, yihaa!
Email your thoughts to info@esmale.com and we will put them up the esmale blog. If in the meantime you want to feel the bliss that is the Xfactor vibrating cock ring, please check it out here
Team esmale, essentially for men.