Having a clean bum is something I feel is so important when having sex. Forget about it when you have a quickie at a house party or in the club, but if you want to have some seriously good and sensual play, douche! Really, get it clean and douche! No douche no rimming. That should be a t-shirt!
Keeping clean and having a douche can be very quick and easy, and the one I would say fits these criteria best, is this anal douche. It is quick, clean, and easy and does not cost you much. BINGO!

Douche, anal douche

So if you are into you bum play, use an anal douche, or you can also use it if you are very hygienic and want to have it clean down there, this douche is the one to have!
Douche user review
“I remember when I had my first douche, it was rather a revelation. It was in fact the douche in this image but that is irrelevant I guess. I had a guy coming over and I was very nervous, young and inexperienced. This was not the first time we met and because we were meeting at my place I knew we might end up sleeping together. At least that was what I was hoping for. This guy was more experienced so I wanted to be as ready as possible which is why I bought my first douche. I did not have too much money at the time, and I was certainly not wanting to spend it on a douche, so I went for a douche that was reasonably priced. I had no idea that it would also be a really good one. This douche was so easy to use and it was my first time so that was a bonus. Anyway, he arrived and we had the usual pleasantness but I can tell you for free I was so glad I used a douche as he properly turned me inside out and it felt super to be all clean so I could fully let go!”
When we received this review on this douche, we at the esmale HQ thought we had to put it on our blog. It’s a sweet story, yet a good recommendation too. If you have an experience you would like to share regarding a douche or any gay sex toys, please send an email to info@esmale.com.
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