Many men are doing penis exercises these days, and there are indeed plenty of penis exercises that are fruitful.
To make sure you are not disappointed with your penis exercises, it is important to set realistic targets, and realise that it does not happen over night, because that I am afraid, will simply not happen.
I am a big fan of penis pumps to support penis exercises. I would also like to stress that there are things you can do that have a temporary, yet immediate effect, and don’t necessarily need penis exercises. If for example you want to have harder slightly more “inflated” penis whilst having sex, I can also recommend the use of cock rings. The Oxballs range offers solid cock rings that are useful in keeping the blood circulation within the penis, for a harder, bigger effect, to impress anyone who is interested. It saves you to do your penis exercises all the time. Penis pumps, on the other hand, I would recommend for longer term adjustment and general strengthening of the penis.
There are plenty of penis exercises that you can do without the use of any penis pumps or cock rings. One of the penis exercises I would like to focus on now is the JAI Stretch
This exercise is aimed at lengthening the penis. We will have more penis exercises in the next relevant blog.
These penis exercises are based on stretching. The JAI Stretch is a beginner penis enlargement stretch, ideal for when you have a few moments of time to yourself.
As penis exercises go, this one is so quick, you can do five to twenty JAI stretches each time you are visiting the toilet. The JAI stretches are often seen as a warm up stretch for the heavier penis exercises we will discuss later.
It might not look like much of a stretch, but many penis exercises specialists are crediting this stretch as one that does contribute to a larger penis. Just like penis pumps and cock rings are aimed at the immediate fix.
Step buy step guide to the JAI Stretch
* Please ensure that your penis is between 0 % to 40 % of an erection.
* Please repeat the penis exercises about 20 times
1. Stretch your penis gently and maintain for two seconds.
2. While still holding the penis, release the stretch for two seconds.
3. Repeat steps one and two until you reach the desired number of reps.
Pointers for JAI STRETCHING.
Breathing. A good way to get rid of the tedious second counting is to synchronise your breathing with your stretches. Do this by exhaling for the two seconds you are pulling out, and inhaling for the two second resting period.
Pull Gently. The goal is to perform a very light, quick stretch; lasting approximately two to three seconds. Do not pull hard because if you pull too hard, or to long, the JAI stretches won’t be effective.
If you use the Jai stretch with other penis exercises, you will, step by step, be on your way to being happy with your penis.
Penis exercises are great, but we do recommend a combination with penis pumps and cock rings. In the end we believe this will yield the best results, which ultimately is confidence in the bedroom!
If you have proven penis exercise for us, we would like to hear from you. Please e-mail us at
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