Going to the gym or eating healthy food, there are many ways to look after your body, so why should looking after your penis be any different. This is one of the reasons we have penis pumps.
There are 3 chambers in the penis, a small one on the bottom from which you can ejaculate and urinate from, this is called the Corpus Spongisum. Then there are 2 bigger chambers, which are called Corpora Cavernosa, these are both at the top of your penis and are your erectile tissue.
Your brain releases a hormone when you get an erection and sends blood to your penis, filling your erectile tissue. The blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa fill to the maximum, causing an erection.
Now, the maximum your Corpora Cavernosa can fill is the size your penis presently is while erect. The great news is… Your Corpora Cavernosa can be developed larger and stronger with certain penis pumps.

Internal structure of the Penis
Key Facts
Penis pumps have gaiters which have design forces and are calculated to allow minimum compression force whilst achieving maximum expansion force, this allows the maximum growth with the no discomfort.
The more water is forced from water based penis pumps, the more the penis is made to expand and the stronger the hydro force vacuum becomes within.
The air vacuum penis pumps allow the air within to act like a sponge and compress and expand without enlarging the penis in proportion, this results in the enlargement of certain area and not other, i.e. foreskin and not length or girth.
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